
As an independent brokerage firm, we are not committed to any one product or vendor. Our recommendations are based solely on the needs of the customer and what makes sense for them.


Medical Carriers Group & Individual


CareFirst of Maryland


Kaiser Permanente

Highmark BCBS of Delaware

Independence BCBS of New Jersey

The Standard


United Healthcare


Medicare Carriers

AARP Supplemental


Alterwood Advantage

Atlantic Coast Life

CareFirst Advantage

CareFirst Supplemental

Humana Advantage

Mutual of Omaha

Sterling National

Dental and Vision


Delta Dental

Dominion National




United Concordia

United Healthcare


We Are Always Here to Help

We believe that each customer is unique. We are independent in our judgment and comprehensive in our approach to customer solutions. We understand that different customers will have different needs.

Ongoing Support

Chesapeake Benefits is staffed to handle all phases of new business development and implementation. However, we believe the real value of our partnership begins after the sale. We maintain customer support every step of the way to serve as their advocates for all of their benefit plans.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us any time. We are prepared to answer questions about our benefits plans, help with claims or simply planning for the future. Whatever the case, we are at your service.

860 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620

M-F: 8am-5pm, S-S: Closed

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